Many people don’t realize the challenges being faced by the agriculture industry as they try to come up with increasingly innovative ways to feed the world. With the world population steadily growing and the availability of farmland decreasing year over year, we need to be educating and inspiring young people to enter the agriSTEM field and help solve how we can feed more people with fewer resources.

Increasing Population


Changing Diets

Source: UN FAO Food Balance Sheet, World Health Organization Global and regional food consumption patterns and trends”

Limited Farmland

Source: The World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO-STAT), Monsanto Internal Calculations

When students think of “agriculture” they think of a farmers, tractors, cow & horses- but that’s not the reality of the agriculture industry today. It’s our mission to change that perception.

AgriSTEM is...

Plant science and genetics


Chemical engineering


Environmental engineering

Data science

Digital Agronomy


& so much more

Memphis is a leader in AgTech, or Agriculture Technology. Collierville and the surrounding areas are home to multiple Ag companies as well as the Agricenter, which supports the development, evaluation, demonstration, education, and marketing of the latest and most advanced agricultural technologies and products. PIE and the Collierville School District have brought together elementary, middle, and high school leaders, Ag businesses, and post-secondary organizations in planning a full AgSTEM pathway in order to prepare a future workforce for an industry that is becoming more highly skilled by the day.